This 7 piece series has been painted with acrylic on reclaimed canvas I found on
New York City streets, at flea
markets and amongst some of my own collection.

"Supernova, the Infinite Light"
Supernova BLUE
24"x48" Acrylic on Canvas

Supernova LIFE
30"x40" Acrylic on Canvas

Supernova Universe
3 24"x48" Acrylic on Canvas

Supernova Universe I
24"x48" Acrylic on Canvas

Supernova Universe II
24"x48" Acrylic on Canvas

Supernova Universe III
24"x48" Acrylic on Canvas

Supernova YOU
30"x40" Acrylic on Canvas

the Infinite Light
30"x40" Acrylic on Canvas

Supernova, the infinite light

When a star dies Supernova forms
When the seas meet the Earth,
Supernova Blue
When you behold life, Supernova You
Reach, Search, Reveal
Madness, Eruptions, Infinite Light
That endless story of PERFECTION is
The Universe